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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Orlando, FL

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Orlando, FLIf you are suffering from menopausal symptoms from lack of hormones, the preferred option for you may be bioidentical hormones. At Serrão Rejuvenation Center, Dr. John Serrão, a board certified gynecologist who specializes in anti-aging medicine, offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for women in Orlando, Winter Park and the surrounding areas of Florida.

Bioidentical hormones are structurally the same as the natural hormones that your ovaries secreted when you were younger and premenopausal. Most people feel better with them with resolved symptoms. They have the advantage of full strength and full benefit because they bypass the liver. Suzanne Summers popularized these in her book, Forever Young, and they usually fulfill their promise.

Hormone therapy is indeed an anti-aging strategy and could help your mind and body stay healthier and younger. Proper hormonal balance can help you decrease body fat and increase your lean body mass. Many people find they can lose weight and keep it off better. Hormones can make your skin look younger by improving the collagen and elasticity of your skin. They can promote and improve better (and deeper) sleep patterns.

An advantage of bioidentical hormones for you is they can be titrated appropriately to meet your hormonal needs. The dosage for you is individualized so you can achieve the maximum effects from them. Bioidentical hormones can increase your energy levels, improve your cognitive function, and improve your sexual performance and libido.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy at a Glance

Treatment For Symptoms of menopause plus health benefits
Brain effects Improved memory, decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Skin effects Stimulates collagen; improved skin fullness and elasticity
Heart effects Improved heart health through multiple pathways
Bone effects Decreased risk of osteoporosis; improved bone strength
Breast effects Increased breast tenderness and fullness
Muscle effects Improved muscle tone and health
Fat effects Change in fat metabolism to help maintain weight
Sleep effects Improved sleep patterns
Hot flashes Reduced to eliminated hot flashes
Vaginal effects Maintain vaginal health to prevent atrophy and painful sex
Sexual effects Increased libido and sexual response
Cancer risk No statistically significant increased risk of breast cancer
Stroke risk Slight increased risk if started after age 60
Benefits and risks In most patients, benefits outweigh risks; considering all effects

As a board-certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Dr. Serrão has over thirty years of experience in traditional hormone replacement. Along with his board certification in Anti-Aging Medicine, you receive the expertise of traditional and holistic medicine together. Our team at Serrão Rejuvenation Center will regularly monitor your progress and track the effectiveness of your program making adjustments if necessary.

You may benefit from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. At Serrão Rejuvenation Center, Dr. John Serrão, a board certified gynecologist who specializes in anti-aging medicine, offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for women in Orlando, Winter Park and the surrounding areas of Florida. Contact us to schedule your consultation and begin your rejuvenation today.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Orlando, FLIf you are suffering from menopausal symptoms from lack of hormones, the preferred option for you may be bioidentical hormones. At Serrão Rejuvenation Center, Dr. John Serrão, a board certified gynecologist who specializes in anti-aging medicine, offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for women in Orlando, Winter Park and the surrounding areas of Florida.

Bioidentical hormones are structurally the same as the natural hormones that your ovaries secreted when you were younger and premenopausal. Most people feel better with them with resolved symptoms. They have the advantage of full strength and full benefit because they bypass the liver. Suzanne Summers popularized these in her book, Forever Young, and they usually fulfill their promise.

Hormone therapy is indeed an anti-aging strategy and could help your mind and body stay healthier and younger. Proper hormonal balance can help you decrease body fat and increase your lean body mass. Many people find they can lose weight and keep it off better. Hormones can make your skin look younger by improving the collagen and elasticity of your skin. They can promote and improve better (and deeper) sleep patterns.

An advantage of bioidentical hormones for you is they can be titrated appropriately to meet your hormonal needs. The dosage for you is individualized so you can achieve the maximum effects from them. Bioidentical hormones can increase your energy levels, improve your cognitive function, and improve your sexual performance and libido.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy at a Glance

  • Treatment For – Symptoms of menopause plus health benefits
  • Brain effects – Improved memory, decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Skin effects – Stimulates collagen; improved skin fullness and elasticity
  • Heart effects – Improved heart health through multiple pathways
  • Bone effects – Decreased risk of osteoporosis; improved bone strength
  • Breast effects – Increased breast tenderness and fullness
  • Muscle effects – Improved muscle tone and health
  • Fat effects – Change in fat metabolism to help maintain weight
  • Sleep effects – Improved sleep patterns
  • Hot flashes – Reduced to eliminated hot flashes
  • Vaginal effects – Maintain vaginal health to prevent atrophy and painful sex
  • Sexual effects – Increased libido and sexual response
  • Cancer risk – No statistically significant increased risk of breast cancer
  • Stroke risk – Slight increased risk if started after age 60
  • Benefits and risks – In most patients, benefits outweigh risks; considering all effects

As a board-certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Dr. Serrão has over thirty years of experience in traditional hormone replacement. Along with his board certification in Anti-Aging Medicine, you receive the expertise of traditional and holistic medicine together. Our team at Serrão Rejuvenation Center will regularly monitor your progress and track the effectiveness of your program making adjustments if necessary.

You may benefit from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. At Serrão Rejuvenation Center, Dr. John Serrão, a board certified gynecologist who specializes in anti-aging medicine, offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for women in Orlando, Winter Park and the surrounding areas of Florida. Contact us to schedule your consultation and begin your rejuvenation today.

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