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Chemical Peels in Orlando, FL

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are medical-grade facial treatments that are performed with chemical-based solutions for maximum efficacy and results. These treatments are excellent for exfoliating the skin and cleansing the pores, instantly helping to reduce acne and prevent breakouts. Many patients notice a refreshed appearance immediately after their treatment.


Facials are gentle exfoliation treatments that many find to be relaxing and refreshing. By removing the outermost layer of skin and cleansing the face, patients can eliminate oils and unclog their pores to prevent future breakouts and reduce acne.

DiamondGlow® DermalInfusion Dermabrasion

Medical grade diamonds exfoliate the outer layer of skin while infusing a dermaceutical into the skin.  The clarifying acne solution targets oily areas and comedones to clear and refresh the skin. DiamondGlow® treatments stimulate new cell growth and assist in the improvement of the skin’s texture and overall health.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

Photodynamic therapy is a great treatment for severe acne and even cystic acne cases.  Skin oiliness is decreased and the appearance of pores is minimized, making the skin look much healthier.  A photosensitizing drug called Levulan (ALA) is administered to the patient topically. Levulan is a “natural” product found in all humans.  When certain wavelengths of light from IPL or BLU-U are directed on tissue containing the drug, it becomes activated, shrinking the sebaceous gland and destroying the p.acnes bacteria.  A series of treatments are recommended and the results are long lasting..

Laser Resurfacing

For patients with acne scarring, laser resurfacing can help diminish the appearance of scarring to create a smoother, even skin tone. By removing the damaged skin and stimulating collagen production, the body is able to produce healthy, vibrant skin that will grow in its place.


Microneedling sometimes referred to as collagen induction therapy, is great for stimulating collagen and eliminating acne scars. Many patients notice results after their first treatment and enjoy having no downtime after this effective rejuvenation technique.

PRP Therapy

PRP therapy uses the growth factors in a patient’s own blood to restore the skin, naturally treating acne scars and improving overall complexion.

Medical Grade Skincare Products

For patients looking to make the most of their in-office acne treatments, medical grade skincare products are available to help you fight acne on a daily basis. Including these effective products in your daily skin care regimen will optimize your acne treatments and maintain your results of clear, radiant skin.

Time to Try a New Treatment?

If you are looking to try one of these effective acne solutions, contact Serrão Rejuvenation Center. Dr. John Serrão offers the above solutions for acne treatment, welcoming residents of all ages from Orlando and the surrounding areas of Florida.